
Berlin Trip

14/10/2014 09:25
The trip to Berlin is being finalised. This will be of enormous benefit for anyone studying "Life in Nazi Germany", interested in the topic or for revising key facts in preparation for a resit exam.   The cost is £310 and departure will be March 30th 2105 for 4days/3nights. Letters will...

Poll Added

18/09/2014 12:30
Can you complete the Poll on the bottom the site's homepage. It will provide important feedback regarding the pilot use of Teacherfeedback.

Pilot Using Audio Teacher Feedback

10/09/2014 11:39
We are experimenting with using audio feedback to support the learning of some pilot groups in Year 10. 12 and 13. The pilot will last a month then we will review how students and staff felt about the software and whether it helped learners make progress.   See the assessment tab for more...

Essay Competition

09/09/2014 09:51
Win yourself a share of £500 and some much needed credibility by entering Christ College Cambridge's History essay competition. Details can be found in the pdf document below: 2015 History Essay Prize Competition.pdf (319025) 2015 History Essay coversheet.pdf (147506)

Remaining Revsion Electives

29/04/2014 13:01
These are the planned revision electives for the Life in Nazi Germany unit: Wednesday 14th May - F19 3.10 - 4.30pm. Saturday 17th May - F19 10 - 1pm. Wednesday 21st May - F19 3.10 - 4.30pm. Thursday 22nd May - Revision Breakfast - 7.30 - 8.20am. EXAM - Thursday 22nd May   If these are not...

AS HIstory Easter Workshop

25/04/2014 12:56
17 students attended the workshop focusing on exam skills. Students were given basic pitfalls to avoid, examples of model answers and tips to improve their own answers. Many students were surprised at the 100% answers as provided by the exam board - "I do that all the time" was a common response....

Overview of the remainder of the course

18/03/2014 12:30
Attached below is a lesson by lesson overview of what we will cover in the remainder of the course: Over view of remainder of the course.pdf (361813) Please try and read ahead and don't forget if you haven't started revising by now you are dicing with failure.

Dates of Revision Workshops

18/03/2014 11:57
Two revision workshops have been agreed upon: Friday 25th April - Easter Workshop 10am - 12.30pm. Saturday 17th May - Revision Workshop - "The End is Nigh" 10am - 12.30pm.


03/03/2014 07:34
Images of the Post 16 trip to the Nazi Murder Camp - Auschwitz have been uploaded to the photogallery area of the website.

Using Quotes and Referencing

21/02/2014 14:03
Here you can find the House Carousel presentation on moving from describing to explaining by using quotes and references. Moving From Describing to Explaining.pptx (81528) Use Source 1 and Source 2 and your own knowledge.docx (22919)
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